Thursday, March 12, 2009

Digital Workflow...

A little something different for today. Thought I would share my digital workflow with everyone today. This is what I do in order, after every shoot. Now I realize other photographers may do things a little differently but this is how I personally finalize my photo sessions.

1. Download all compact flash cards to a specified folder in photoshop. I already have the folder named before my shoot.

2. Take a quick look and make sure all images are there, none are missing.

3. Now I do a quick sort and move the best images to a subfolder I named "Keep 1".

4. Walk away for a couple hours. Come back and take another look and add any more keepers, if any to the "Keep 1" folder. *** Make a pot of coffee ***.

5. Burn all images from "Keep 1" folder to a CD. Do not erase memory cards until this step is done and images have been backed up.

6. Start picking my favorites from "Keep 1" folder and retouching those images. Just basic color correction, contrast, levels and saturation boost. Take a break in between. Post all retouched images to private on-line gallery for client. Keep retouching until all images are done.

7. Take a break.

8. Go back and do more retouching, convert some to black and white, add textures if it will enhance an image, etc. Add any special effects that I think will look good on any images, upload.

9. Design coffee table book, collages and/or cards. Upload to gallery.

10. Wait for print and specialty orders. Then arrange those images into a "print order" folder and double check files, upload to lab, order prints.

Thats just about it. A lot of work really does go into just one portrait session, wedding and/or senior session. There are endless hours of sorting, retouching, ordering, designing, backing up, etc. Hope this helps.

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