Saturday, November 21, 2009

"P" Family Holiday Portraits { BLOG }...

The beautiful "P" family! I actually did two Holiday Portrait sessions with this wonderful family, one in the studio and one at their home. Mom was a little stressed about getting good images of the kids. I know how she feels. Getting family portraits taken can be very stressful, especially for the mom. All the preparation of picking out the perfect outfits and then hoping everyone cooperates.

So this way she had two chances and she was much more relaxed. It took the little guy a good half hour to get comfortable with me in the studio. So we started with his little sister first. After a little while he was hamming it up in front of the camera.

And when I arrived at their home for the second part of our session, he was much more at ease because he remembered me from the studio. I just love my job and love working with children and families!

Look at this little chubber:

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